Ch. Old School's Woden

Date of Birth: September 4, 1992
Woden winning BOW at the MCOA National Specialty.
Woden was a pick puppy that we took out of a repeat breeding of Sagar to a bitch named Jessie.  The male we picked from the first litter was superb, but we had an excellent home for him in Austria and we had to let him go. So with the second breeding, we went to pick out our puppy at 10 weeks of age. It was down to one that was stockier but a little straight in the stifle or the one that was "kind of" spoken for by someone else, but that we could take if we wanted him. Rather than disappoint anyone we took the stocky, straight puppy. Amazingly he turned out to have more angulation than any dog we have ever owned. He was Woden (named after the Celtic god of the oak tree). Woden won Best of Winners at the 1996 MCOA National Specialty. That is his picture to the left. That win is what finished him as a champion.
Woden winning Best of Breed at a local show.
Woden matured into a superb specimen of the breed, but it took him a long time to get there. He was 3 before his chest really dropped and he stopped looking so long. This shot to the left is one where he took a Best of Breed at a local show.
Woden winning a Group 4.
Woden moved extremely well.  His stride was powerful and graceful at the same time, and he moved well in side gate as well as coming and going. This is what helped him to win a Group Placement, owner handled. The photo to the left is from that achievement. We wish we had had the money to special Woden properly because he was the type of dog who could have held his own in the breed and group rings.
Woden as a class dog, look at that chest!
One thing about Woden that was so special, aside from his copious angulation, was his front.  Woden had that ever-so-hard-to-get excellent front and chest.  From this angle you can see his well angulated shoulders and his substantial chest (what we like to call a "brisket") which extended out in front of his front legs.  You can also see that his chest was let down to his elbows, which is also ideal.
Woden from the front.
In this picture, Woden's Open Brindle Dog winner picture from the 1996 National Specialty,  you can see the width of his chest and how solid and deep it was.  Not only did Woden posses this super front, but he also passed it along to his offspring. Though he wasn't used at stud as much as his father was, the puppies he produced were very nice.
Woden's head, though not perfect, was still very nice as you can see in this picture. Woden's hips were OFA Certified Good.

Ch. Old School Sgt. Major's Sagar
Ch. Old School's Sergeant Major
Ch. Deer Run Ezekiel
Ch. Deer Run Ivan
Le Mar's Sally
Ch. Old School's Ursa Major
Deer Run Florister Rufus
Old School Trouble
Old School Ben's Autumn Major
Ch. Autumn River's Big Ben
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Ch. Lazy Hill Athena
Ch. Old School's Ursa Major
Deer Run Florister Rufus
Old School Trouble
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Ch. Salt River's Duke of Barry
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Ch. Scott's Lady Minnafelde
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Keith'sCountess Mergatroide
Sassie Lassie See
Brutus Maximus III
Big Boy
Samantha IV
Ch. Deer Run Roderick
Gulph Mills Abigail of Lambay

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