Ch. Old School Reasons to Quit

Date of Birth:  March 20, 2005
Waylon, 4.5 years.
Waylon was bred by Sarah Elkin and Loretta Van Damm and is out of a girl we bred, Old School's Dark Angel (Max) by our boy Junior (Ch. Old School's Junior). He is pictured here at 4.5 years of age.
Waylon, 4.5 years.
Waylon at 4.5 years of age.
Waylon, 4.5 years.
Waylon at 4.5 years of age.
Waylon, 3.5 years.
Waylon at 3.5 years of age.
Waylon, 3.5 years.
Waylon at 3.5 years of age. With maturity his head began to look more and more like his father Junior's head.
Waylon, 3.5 years.
Waylon at 3.5 years of age.
Waylon, 3.5 years.
Waylon at 3.5 years of age.
Waylon, 3.5 years.
Waylon at 3.5 years of age.
Waylon, 3.5 years.
Waylon at 3.5 years taking BOW for a major.
Waylon, 3 years.
He is pictured here at 3 years going BOW under Mr. Buxton.
Waylon, 23 Months.
Waylon at 23 months.
Waylon, 19 Months.
Waylon at 23 months. He took a long time to mature, which is typical of our line, especially our males.
Waylon taking BOW under Mr. Nelson R. Huber at 20 months of age.
Waylon, 19 Months.
We were only going to take the bitch, Babs, as a stud puppy from this litter, but when we saw Waylon we had to buy him because he reminded us so much of our first mastiff, Hannibal. Waylon is pictured here at 19 months.
Waylon, 17 Months.
Waylon was a tall, lanky boy as a youngster, and very slow in maturing compared to his sister Babs. He always had a lot of potential so we did what we tell all of our puppy buyers to do, close our eyes and wait until he turns 2 years old to open them! He is pictured here at 17 months. You can see the difference between this Waylon, and the ones of him at 23 months, and the even bigger difference at 3.5 years. We aren't kidding when we tell people how much they can change over time!
Waylon, 19 Months.
He's super sweet and very laid back, though he loves to destroy water buckets. He's pictured here at 19 months.
Waylon, 14 Months.
He is pictured here at 14 months.
Waylon, 10 months.
Waylon is pictured at 10 months here. He has excellent bone and is a beautiful apricot brindle color.
Waylon's first match.
Here is Waylon at his first fun match at 10 months of age. He is pictured below winning a Puppy Group 3 at the match.
Waylon wins a group 3!
Waylon was a very laid back boy, quite different from his father as a pup.
Here are some pictures of Waylon when we went to pick him up.

Ch. Old School's Junior
Ch. Old School's Surprise Truck
Old School Tintagel's Blake
Ch. Old School Sgt. Major's Sagar
Ch. Tintagel's Oreo
Old School's Ayla D'Ursa
Ch. Old School's Primo Remo Major
Old School Ben's Autumn Major
Old School's the Fifth Element
Ch. Old School Sgt. Major's Sagar
Ch. Old School's Sergeant Major
Old School Ben's Autumn Major
Ch. Old School's Drucilla
Old School Tintagel's Blake
Ch. Old School's Lady Portia
Old School's Dark Angel
Int. Am.Ch. Iron Hill Bars Open All Night
BIS BISS Ch. Iron Hills Into the Night
Ch. Iron Hills Paint Your Wagon
Kara Stonehage
Iron Hills One Drink Limit
Am.Can. Ch. Sillar's K.O. Tyson
Ch. Iron Hills Spill the Wine
Ch. Old School's Panache
Old School Tintagel's Blake
Ch. Old School Sgt. Major's Sagar
Ch. Tintagel's Oreo
Old School's Ayla D'Ursa
Ch. Old School's Primo Remo Major
Old School Ben's Autumn Major


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