Ch. Old School's Ursa Major

Date of Birth:  September 29, 1981
Ursa was a spectacular bitch.  We have never in all our years of breeding, produced another Ursa, nor do we believe that feat to even be possible. She was a product of a line breeding on Hannibal's (Ch. Hannibal of Makar) parents.  Rufus, Ursa's sire, was a huge typey male who had an excellent pedigree. The combination of Trouble and Rufus obviously clicked.
Ursa as a puppy
This photo shows what Ursa looked like at 14 months of age. This is a good place to mention something about the maturation rate of dogs from our line. Most Old School dogs and bitches do not fill out until they are at least 3 years old, and they normally look their best at 4 to 5 years of age. Ursa had gained most of her height by 14 months but she probably gained over 100 pounds of body by the time she reached her full maturity.
Ursa was an extremely broad and muscular bitch, as you can see in this picture to the right.
Ursa was the Best of Breed winner of the 1983 Mastiff Club of America National Specialty.  It was the first independent M.C.O.A. National Specialty, and the judge was respected English Breeder Mrs. Betty Baxter of Farnaby Mastiffs.  Ursa was breeder/owner handled for this win. Mrs. Baxter commented that Ursa had one of the nicest heads she'd seen. We were very proud of Ursa's win, and we were equally glad that she was able to produce a puppy (Remo) that followed in her paw prints.
Ursa produced a number of very nice puppies and she is in the M.C.O.A. Hall of Fame for that. As a result of her win at the National over so many dogs, Ursa won the M.C.O.A. Collar Award that year for top winning BOB bitch. The picture to the right is of Ursa wearing her collar.
This is a close up of Ursa's head to give you a better idea of her type. It's  little dark, but you can still see the contours of the skull and muzzle.
Ursa always looked best when she set herself up, as is illustrated by this photo.  She was the queen of the Old School and she carried herself in that manner. She found exercise to be distasteful and preferred to lie in the sun. She slept at night on the bed, and in the day on the couch. She was loving but firm with her puppies, and completely devoted to her family.  She was a spectacular bitch who will always be remembered.


Deer Run Florister Rufus
Ch. Deer Run Noah of Massalane
Rufus of Heatherbrook
Petite Princess Tamora
Mistress Jill of Buckhall
Eng.Ch. Threebees Friar of Copenore
Mistress Alice of Buckhall
Ch. Nanjemoy's Etasha
Am. Can. Ch.Tiberias of Kisumu
Eng.Ch. Threebees Friar of Copenore
Hannah of Kisumu
Ch. Beau Cheval's Marakesh
Berngarth Winston
Princess Taffy of Woodglen
Old School Trouble
Ch. Hannibal of Makar
Am. Can. Ch.Tiberias of Kisumu
Eng.Ch. Threebees Friar of Copenore
Hannah of Kisumu
Ch. Beau Cheval's Marakesh
Berngarth Winston
Princess Taffy of Woodglen
Mistress Julia of Massalane
Ch. Nemo of Massalane
Douglas' Little
Gasparilla Farms Margaret
Mistress Clovia of Massalane
Mistress Clovia of Massalane


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