Ch. Old School's Majestic Major

Date of Birth:  October 26, 1985
Major was out of the first breeding of Ursa (Ch. Old School's Ursa Major) to Ezekiel (Ch. Deer Run Ezekiel).  He was a littermate to Sarge (Ch. Old School's Sergeant Major).  Major was not as big as his brother but he was also a good sized boy, and very substantial in body and bone.  His structure was excellent and he was a beautiful apricot brindle.
Ch. Old School's Majestic Major -- photo by Phoebus
Major went to the 1988 M.C.O.A. National Specialty in Seattle, Washington where he contributed to Old School mastiffs winning the Breeder of the Year competition.  The first two pictures on this page were taken by Scott Phoebus of Iron Hills mastiffs.
Major had a beautiful head
Major had what we consider to be one of the most beautiful heads we have ever seen on a mastiff.  We are constantly trying to recreate the head type that he exhibited.  Lucky for us, Major tended to stamp his offspring with that head.
Major was an active boy.
Major was an extremely active dog (a characteristic that sometimes worked to his detriment in the show ring since he was incapable of remaining still for any period of time) and he absolutely loved balls.  He would go wild if he even saw one in your hand.  He enjoyed playing soccer with John and Jessica, though more often than not, the result would be Major carrying a popped soccer ball around in his mouth.


Ch. Deer Run Ezekiel
Ch. Deer Run Ivan
Ch. Deer Run Wycliff
Ch. Deer Run Jerhico City
Deer Run Stella
Tasha Farley's First Lady
Walnut Creek's Grand Duke
Lady Jennifer of E Ranch
Le Mar's Sally
Ch. Grand Duke O'Fern
Ch. Deer Run Jupiter
Sweet Princess Brandy
Le Mar's Little Gem
Ch. Deer Run Noah of Massalane
Ch. Willow Point's Tiberia Gemini
Ch. Old School's Ursa Major
Deer Run Florister Rufus
Ch. Deer Run Noah of Massalane
Mistress Jill of Buckhall
Ch. Nanjemoy's Etasha
Am. Can. Ch.Tiberias of Kisumu
Ch. Beau Cheval's Marakesh
Old School Trouble
Ch. Hannibal of Makar
Am. Can. Ch.Tiberias of Kisumu
Ch. Beau Cheval's Marakesh
Mistress Julia of Massalane
Ch. Nemo of Massalane
Mistress Clovia of Massalane


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