Ch. Old School's Junior

Date of Birth: January 15, 2002
Junior at 4 years of age.
Junior at almost 7 years of age.
Junior was our pick puppy from his litter. He was very much like his father, in personality, and in looks (hence the name "Mongo Jr." which stuck with him despite all logic against naming so closely after his father). He is pictured here just half a month away from his 7th birthday.
Junior at almost 7 years of age.
Donna and Junior. Junior is pictured here just half a month away from his 7th birthday. Junior was a huge dog, with huge bone, and a beautiful head.
Junior at almost 7 years of age.
Donna and Junior again. Junior is pictured here just half a month away from his 7th birthday.
Junior at 4 and a half years of age.
Junior is pictured here at 4 and a half years of age.
Junior at 4 and a half years of age.
Junior is pictured here at 4 and a half years of age.
Junior at 4 years of age.
Junior at 4 and a half years of age. Like many dogs of our line, Junior regained his angulation upon reaching maturity.
Junior at 4 years of age.
Junior is pictured here at 4 years of age.
Junior at 4 years of age.
Junior had a very nice typey head and excellent pigment. He is pictured here at 4 years of age.
Junior at 4 years of age.
He was a massive dog with a long body and huge bone. He is pictured here at 4 years of age.
Junior at 4 years of age.
He is pictured here again at 4 years of age.
Junior at 4 years of age.
He is pictured here again at 4 years of age.
Junior at 4 years of age.
He is pictured here at 4 years of age.
Junior at 4 years of age.
Junior, like his father before him, was one of the biggest dogs we have ever produced, 250+ pound dog. In addition to his physical size, his personality was equally big. He was a very sweet and silly boy. Very gentle and loving, but also very stubborn. It could be difficult to make him do something he didn't want to do (like trying to stack him when he's fed up with all the fuss over him for pictures!) He is pictured here at 4 years of age.
Junior at 2.5 years of age.
Junior is pictured here taking WD/BOW for a 5 point major at 2.5 years of age.
Junior at 2 years of age.
Junior is pictured here taking WD/BOW/BOB over a special at 2 years of age.
Junior at 2.5 years of age.
Junior placed first in his class at Bucks under English breeder judge Mrs. Betty Baxter (Farnaby) in 2003, and second in his class under breeder judge Mr. James Zellen (Banyon) at Trenton KC in 2003, and he placed 4th in his class under Mr. Fred Simon at the MCOA National Specialty in 2003.
Mrs. Baxter's Critique of Junior: "Bahlmans' Old School's Junior. A big youngster, made well and strong, he had good bone and very good strong hindquarters. He also had very good feet and a pleasing expression. Moved with great power."
A video of Junior's movement (side gait, coming, and going) is available on our YouTube page.
Junior at 2 years of age.
Junior at 2 years of age.
Junior at 1 year of age.
At one year of age, Junior matched his father in height, but he took his time in maturing out. He had a beautiful head, excellent bone and a very nice front and his reach and drive were excellent. We would have liked to see more angulation on him, but otherwise, he turned out to be a very nice, sound, typey dog.
Junior at 1 year of age.
Because of his wonderful personality (so much like his father and mother) he was a joy to be around.
Max and Junior at 2.5 years of age.
In the photos to the left and below - Ch. Old School's the Sixth Element (Max, on left) and his brother Junior (right) at 2.5 years of age. Max was owned by Kim Cooley of Southland Mastiffs.
Max and Junior at 2.5 years of age.

Ch. Old School's Surprise Truck
Old School Tintagel's Blake
Ch. Old School Sgt. Major's Sagar
Ch. Old School's Sergeant Major
Old School Ben's Autumn Major
Ch. Tintagel's Oreo
Ch. Banyon's Fozzie Bear
Old School Ski of Tintagel
Old School's Ayla D'Ursa
Ch. Old School's Primo Remo Major
Ch. Deer Run Ezekiel
Ch. Old School's Ursa Major
Old School Ben's Autumn Major
Ch. Autumn River's Big Ben
Ch. Old School's Ursa Major
Old School's the Fifth Element
Ch. Old School Sgt. Major's Sagar
Ch. Old School's Sergeant Major
Ch. Deer Run Ezekiel
Ch. Old School's Ursa Major
Old School Ben's Autumn Major
Ch. Autumn River's Big Ben
Ch. Old School's Ursa Major
Ch. Old School's Drucilla
Old School Tintagel's Blake
Ch. Old School Sgt. Major's Sagar
Ch. Tintagel's Oreo
Ch. Old School's Lady Portia
Ch. Old School's Majestic Major
Ch. O'School Blacknight Madalene

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